Thursday, October 9, 2008

we are all the same we are not different

Ricardo Arjona - El Mojado - The best free videos are right here

this is a music video that a artist name ricardo arjona did so they could see all around the world how do the undocumented imigrants work so hard and all they have to do to get to this coutrie just to work and have a better live


MaYrA said...

hey raymond!!!
i totallllyyyy agree with your video and opinion.... immigrants should be able to stay they also have a goal to accomplish!!!=]

pablo said...

hey ramon that was a really kool video. i agree that documents make no harm to this country. whats so bad about jsut following your dream. and trying to work hard in life . immigrants are not criminals.n

by the way thanks for the comment you made on my video.