Sunday, September 7, 2008

who me

Hi my name is raymond

1)tell us of something you have done that no one in this class has done
i went to tijuana mexico and i went down a hill in a skateboard.

2)provide three adjectives for urself

3)give us a brief history on your name
it comes from germanics and most of the spanish saint are call raymond
and usage from english,french

4)list 15 fun goals you would like to accomplish by june 15,2009

1)play indoor soccer
2)go cruising downtown
3)get a pitbull
4)go whatch at least 10 movies to the theather
5)create a dj system
6)playfootball with a team
8)maybe make a trip to tenesse
9)get into a dancing club
10)playsome other sport than soccer and football
11)be with friends
13)buy some new speakers
14)meet new peaple in school
15)get Aand B'in my first report card

1 comment:

N3R8LY said...

WeLl I WaNt tO GeT In A TeAm tO DaNcE I LoVe dAnCiNg. I HaVe nEvEr dOnE WhAt yOu DiD WaS iT ScArY gOiNg dOwN tHe hIlL In A sKaTe bOaRd FoR Me iT wOuLd. TtO MaKe yOuR WrItInG BeTeR FoR WhAt YOu dId tHaT No OnE yOu aN I ThInK HaVe nOT dOnEiF To pUt HoW FeLt dOiNg iT.
wELl tAkE CaRe AnD SEe YoU!!
Ps: Be HaPpY
. .